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ufo::UVideoDriver Class Reference

The video driver loads all necessary multimedia libraries and initializes the system to create video devices. More...

#include <uvideodriver.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ufo::UVideoDriver:

ufo::UObject ufo::UCollectable ufo::UXGLXDriver ufo::UXSDLDriver ufo::UXWGLDriver List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool init ()=0
virtual bool isInitialized ()=0
virtual void quit ()=0
virtual std::string getName ()=0
virtual void pumpEvents ()=0
virtual UVideoDevicecreateVideoDevice ()=0

Detailed Description

The video driver loads all necessary multimedia libraries and initializes the system to create video devices.

See also:
Johannes Schmidt

Member Function Documentation

virtual UVideoDevice* ufo::UVideoDriver::createVideoDevice  )  [pure virtual]

Creates a video device (window).

A video device which is used by UXFrame or Null on failure.

Implemented in ufo::UXGLXDriver, ufo::UXSDLDriver, and ufo::UXWGLDriver.

virtual std::string ufo::UVideoDriver::getName  )  [pure virtual]

The name describing this video driver. Should be the same used via env var UFO_VIDEO_DRIVER.

Implemented in ufo::UXGLXDriver, ufo::UXSDLDriver, and ufo::UXWGLDriver.

virtual bool ufo::UVideoDriver::init  )  [pure virtual]

Initializes the video driver, loads necessary native drivers.

True on sucess

Implemented in ufo::UXGLXDriver, ufo::UXSDLDriver, and ufo::UXWGLDriver.

virtual bool ufo::UVideoDriver::isInitialized  )  [pure virtual]

True if initialization was succesful.

Implemented in ufo::UXGLXDriver, ufo::UXSDLDriver, and ufo::UXWGLDriver.

virtual void ufo::UVideoDriver::pumpEvents  )  [pure virtual]

Gathers all system events and pumps them to the UFO event queue (UXDisplay).

Implemented in ufo::UXGLXDriver, ufo::UXSDLDriver, and ufo::UXWGLDriver.

virtual void ufo::UVideoDriver::quit  )  [pure virtual]

Purges all loaded system resources and deinits the video driver.

Implemented in ufo::UXGLXDriver, ufo::UXSDLDriver, and ufo::UXWGLDriver.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
The libUFO Project - written by Johannes Schmidt