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ufo::UVideoDevice Class Reference

An abstraction for a native video device (e.g. X11 windows). More...

#include <uvideodevice.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ufo::UVideoDevice:

ufo::UObject ufo::UCollectable ufo::UXGLXDevice ufo::UXSDLDevice ufo::UXWGLDevice List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void setSize (int w, int h)=0
virtual UDimension getSize () const =0
virtual void setLocation (int x, int y)=0
virtual UPoint getLocation () const =0
virtual void setTitle (const std::string &title)=0
virtual std::string getTitle () const =0
virtual void setDepth (int depth)=0
virtual int getDepth () const =0
virtual void swapBuffers ()=0
virtual void makeContextCurrent ()=0
virtual bool show ()=0
virtual void hide ()=0
virtual void setFrameStyle (uint32_t frameStyle)=0
virtual uint32_t getFrameStyle () const =0
virtual void setInitialFrameState (uint32_t frameState)=0
virtual uint32_t getFrameState () const =0
virtual void setFrame (UXFrame *frame)=0
virtual void notify (uint32_t type, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4)=0
USignal1< UVideoDevice * > & sigMoved ()
USignal1< UVideoDevice * > & sigResized ()

Detailed Description

An abstraction for a native video device (e.g. X11 windows).

Johannes Schmidt

Member Function Documentation

virtual uint32_t ufo::UVideoDevice::getFrameState  )  const [pure virtual]

The current frame state or the initial frame state if this window is not visible.

Implemented in ufo::UXGLXDevice, ufo::UXSDLDevice, and ufo::UXWGLDevice.

virtual void ufo::UVideoDevice::makeContextCurrent  )  [pure virtual]

Makes the OpenGL context associated with this device the current OpenGL context for the current thread.

Implemented in ufo::UXGLXDevice, ufo::UXSDLDevice, and ufo::UXWGLDevice.

virtual void ufo::UVideoDevice::notify uint32_t  type,
int  arg1,
int  arg2,
int  arg3,
int  arg4
[pure virtual]

Notifies this device abstraction of changes to the native device. Warning: The interface for this method is experimental.

type The type of the change (we are using UEvent::Type for distinction)
arg1 The first argument (may be 0)
arg2 The second argument (may be 0)
arg3 The third argument (may be 0)
arg4 The fourth argument (may be 0)

Implemented in ufo::UXGLXDevice, ufo::UXSDLDevice, and ufo::UXWGLDevice.

virtual void ufo::UVideoDevice::setFrameStyle uint32_t  frameStyle  )  [pure virtual]

Changes the frame style for the native device.

See also:

Implemented in ufo::UXGLXDevice, ufo::UXSDLDevice, and ufo::UXWGLDevice.

virtual void ufo::UVideoDevice::setInitialFrameState uint32_t  frameState  )  [pure virtual]

Changes the initial frame state for the native device. This method may not have any effect if the window is already visible.

See also:

Implemented in ufo::UXGLXDevice, ufo::UXSDLDevice, and ufo::UXWGLDevice.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
The libUFO Project - written by Johannes Schmidt