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ufo::UToolkit Class Reference

The toolkit encapsulates some important system functions and loads plugins. More...

#include <utoolkit.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ufo::UToolkit:

ufo::UObject ufo::UCollectable ufo::UAbstractToolkit ufo::UXToolkit List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void makeContextCurrent (UContext *contextA)=0
virtual UContextgetCurrentContext () const =0
virtual UVersionInfo getVersionInfo () const =0
virtual UDimension getScreenSize () const =0
virtual UInsets getScreenInsets () const =0
virtual int getScreenDepth () const =0
virtual std::string getUserName () const =0
virtual std::string getRealName () const =0
virtual std::string getHomeDir () const =0
virtual std::string getTmpDir () const =0
virtual std::string getPrgName () const =0
virtual void setPrgName (const std::string &prgName)=0
virtual void loadPlugin (const std::string &fileName)=0
virtual void loadPlugin (UPluginInfo plugin)=0
virtual void unloadPlugin (const std::string &pluginName)=0
virtual void unloadPlugin (UPluginInfo plugin)=0
virtual std::vector< UPluginInfogetPluginInfos () const =0
virtual UVideoDrivercreateVideoDriver ()=0
virtual ULookAndFeel * createLookAndFeel ()=0
virtual UStyleManagergetStyleManager ()=0
virtual std::string getFontDir () const =0
virtual UFontRenderercreateFontRenderer (const UFontInfo &fontInfo)=0
virtual UFontInfo queryFont (const UFontInfo &fontInfo)=0
virtual std::vector< UFontInfolistFonts (const UFontInfo &fontInfo)=0
virtual std::vector< UFontInfolistFonts ()=0
virtual void sleep (uint32_t millis)=0
virtual uint32_t getTicks () const =0
virtual std::string getProperty (const std::string &keyA) const =0
virtual void putProperty (const std::string &keyA, const std::string &valueA)=0

Static Public Member Functions

UToolkitgetToolkit ()
void setToolkit (UToolkit *toolkitA)

Static Protected Attributes


Detailed Description

The toolkit encapsulates some important system functions and loads plugins.

An abstract class that represents data shared by all UContext objects and controls the interaction of UContext objects. Furthermore it stores several system properties, can load plugins and encapsulates some important system functions.

Johannes Schmidt

Member Function Documentation

virtual UFontRenderer* ufo::UToolkit::createFontRenderer const UFontInfo fontInfo  )  [pure virtual]

Creates a font renderer with the given font familiy, style and point size. The toolkit should use the active font plugin. The font plugin is chosen using the 'font' property.

See also:

Implemented in ufo::UAbstractToolkit.

virtual ULookAndFeel* ufo::UToolkit::createLookAndFeel  )  [pure virtual]

Creates a look and feel using the currently default laf plugin. The plugin is chosen using the 'look_and_feel' property. This method is called by UFO backends at UFO context creation .

See also:

Implemented in ufo::UAbstractToolkit.

virtual std::string ufo::UToolkit::getFontDir  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns a colon separated list of font directories. This is the search path for font ressource files.

Implemented in ufo::UAbstractToolkit.

virtual std::vector<UPluginInfo> ufo::UToolkit::getPluginInfos  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns a vector with plugin info structs for all loaded plugins.

Implemented in ufo::UAbstractToolkit.

virtual std::string ufo::UToolkit::getProperty const std::string &  keyA  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns a UFO property registered at this toolkit. Properties so far: user_name, real_name, home_dir, tmp_dir, prg_name look_and_feel

Implemented in ufo::UAbstractToolkit.

virtual int ufo::UToolkit::getScreenDepth  )  const [pure virtual]

The screen depth.

Implemented in ufo::UXToolkit.

virtual UInsets ufo::UToolkit::getScreenInsets  )  const [pure virtual]

Screen insets are task bar, desktop menu bars and such.

The screen insets like task bars.

Implemented in ufo::UXToolkit.

virtual UDimension ufo::UToolkit::getScreenSize  )  const [pure virtual]

The screen size in pixels.

Implemented in ufo::UXToolkit.

virtual uint32_t ufo::UToolkit::getTicks  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the time in milliseconds since lib initializing

Implemented in ufo::UXToolkit.

UToolkit * ufo::UToolkit::getToolkit  )  [inline, static]

Returns the registered Toolkit. The auxiliary lib must ensure that this function does not return NULL.

virtual UVersionInfo ufo::UToolkit::getVersionInfo  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns a version info struct with the version numbers of the linked ufo library.

Implemented in ufo::UAbstractToolkit.

virtual std::vector<UFontInfo> ufo::UToolkit::listFonts  )  [pure virtual]

Lists all available font renderers of the current font plugin.

Implemented in ufo::UAbstractToolkit.

virtual std::vector<UFontInfo> ufo::UToolkit::listFonts const UFontInfo fontInfo  )  [pure virtual]

Lists all available font renderers of the current font plugin which matches the given font info.

Implemented in ufo::UAbstractToolkit.

virtual void ufo::UToolkit::loadPlugin UPluginInfo  plugin  )  [pure virtual]

Manually loads a plugin.

Implemented in ufo::UAbstractToolkit.

virtual void ufo::UToolkit::loadPlugin const std::string &  fileName  )  [pure virtual]

Loads the plugin which is located within the given shared object file.

Implemented in ufo::UAbstractToolkit.

virtual void ufo::UToolkit::makeContextCurrent UContext contextA  )  [pure virtual]

Implemented in ufo::UXToolkit.

virtual void ufo::UToolkit::putProperty const std::string &  keyA,
const std::string &  valueA
[pure virtual]

Sets the property keyA with value valueA. UFO properties control the behaviour

Implemented in ufo::UAbstractToolkit.

virtual UFontInfo ufo::UToolkit::queryFont const UFontInfo fontInfo  )  [pure virtual]

Returns a font info which describes what would have been returned by createFontRenderer. This means, if the user requests an antialiased font, but there exists none, this method returns which would be returned instead.

Implemented in ufo::UAbstractToolkit.

void ufo::UToolkit::setToolkit UToolkit toolkitA  )  [inline, static]

This function should not be invoked by client code, but by the auxiliary lib, which implements this UToolkit.

virtual void ufo::UToolkit::sleep uint32_t  millis  )  [pure virtual]

Waits a specified number of milliseconds before returning. Delay will wait at least the specified time, but possible longer due to OS scheduling.

millis the minimum delay in milliseconds

Implemented in ufo::UXToolkit.

virtual void ufo::UToolkit::unloadPlugin UPluginInfo  plugin  )  [pure virtual]

Searches in the plugin cache for a matching plugin and unloads it.

Implemented in ufo::UAbstractToolkit.

Member Data Documentation

UToolkit* ufo::UToolkit::m_instance [static, protected]

the toolkit instance

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
The libUFO Project - written by Johannes Schmidt