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ufo::UPluginInfo Struct Reference

The plugin info struct stores create and destroy methods for dynamic plugin creation. More...

#include <uplugin.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

std::string category
std::string feature
plugin_create_t create
plugin_destroy_t destroy

Detailed Description

The plugin info struct stores create and destroy methods for dynamic plugin creation.

Johannes Schmidt

Member Data Documentation

std::string ufo::UPluginInfo::category

The overall category (e.g. font, laf, ...).

std::string ufo::UPluginInfo::feature

The feature, e.g. 'native' for the native font renderer.

USharedLib* ufo::UPluginInfo::lib

The shared lib which the plugin is compiled in. May be NULL for static plugins (like texture font renderer, ...)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
The libUFO Project - written by Johannes Schmidt