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ufo::UXul Class Reference

A XUL parser. More...

#include <uxul.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ufo::UXul:

ufo::UObject ufo::UCollectable List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 UXul (const std::string &guiFile)
 UXul (const std::string &guiFile, std::map< std::string, UActionSlot > map)
void load (const std::string &guiFile)
void setActionMap (std::map< std::string, UActionSlot > map)
URootPanecreateRootPane ()
UXFramecreateFrame ()
UWidgetget (const std::string &id)

Detailed Description

A XUL parser.

XUL is the XML User interface Language used by mozila to create its UI.

Only one frame and one root pane may be created from a XUL file. Use a new XUL object if you want to create a second root pane/frame.

Johannes Schmidt

Member Function Documentation

UXFrame* ufo::UXul::createFrame  ) 

Creates a frame with widgets created according the previous loaded XUL file.

URootPane* ufo::UXul::createRootPane  ) 

Creates a root pane with widgets created according the previous loaded XUL file.

UWidget* ufo::UXul::get const std::string &  id  ) 

The widget with the given id or NULL.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
The libUFO Project - written by Johannes Schmidt