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ufo::URootPane Class Reference

The top level widget. More...

#include <urootpane.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ufo::URootPane:

ufo::UWidget ufo::UObject ufo::UCollectable List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void setMenuBar (UMenuBar *menuBar)
virtual UMenuBargetMenuBar ()
virtual UWidgetcreateContentPane () const
virtual void setContentPane (UWidget *contentPane)
virtual UWidgetgetContentPane () const
virtual ULayeredPanecreateLayeredPane () const
virtual void setLayeredPane (ULayeredPane *layeredPane)
virtual ULayeredPanegetLayeredPane () const
virtual void addFrame (UInternalFrame *frame)
virtual UInternalFrameremoveFrame (UInternalFrame *frame)
virtual void moveToFront (UInternalFrame *frame)
virtual void moveToBack (UInternalFrame *frame)
virtual void addDockWidget (UDockWidget *w, DockWidgetArea area)
virtual void removeDockWidget (UDockWidget *w)
virtual void setModalWidget (UWidget *w)
virtual UWidgetgetModalWidget () const
virtual URootPanegetRootPane (bool topmost=false)
virtual void addedToHierarchy ()
virtual UWidgetgetVisibleWidgetAt (const UPoint &p) const

Detailed Description

The top level widget.

Johannes Schmidt

Member Function Documentation

virtual void ufo::URootPane::addedToHierarchy  )  [virtual]

Notifies recursively all childs that they have been added to a valid containment hierarchy.

Reimplemented from ufo::UWidget.

virtual void ufo::URootPane::addFrame UInternalFrame frame  )  [virtual]

Adds a frame to root pane. The new frame is at top. The frames are stored in a vector. If a new frame is added or the state of a frame ( on top; * behind another frame ) is changed, the vector will be reordered.

virtual UWidget* ufo::URootPane::createContentPane  )  const [virtual]

The content pane is the container for all user created widgets.

virtual UWidget* ufo::URootPane::getContentPane  )  const [virtual]

the content pane.
See also:

virtual UMenuBar* ufo::URootPane::getMenuBar  )  [virtual]

The menubar

virtual UWidget* ufo::URootPane::getVisibleWidgetAt const UPoint p  )  const [virtual]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Reimplemented from ufo::UWidget.

virtual void ufo::URootPane::moveToBack UInternalFrame frame  )  [virtual]

moves the given internal frame to last position in children vector

virtual void ufo::URootPane::moveToFront UInternalFrame frame  )  [virtual]

Moves the given internal frame to first position in children vector

virtual UInternalFrame* ufo::URootPane::removeFrame UInternalFrame frame  )  [virtual]

removes a frame to root pane.

the removed internal frame or NULL

virtual void ufo::URootPane::setContentPane UWidget contentPane  )  [virtual]

Sets the content pane.

See also:

virtual void ufo::URootPane::setMenuBar UMenuBar menuBar  )  [virtual]

Sets the new menubar.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
The libUFO Project - written by Johannes Schmidt