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ufo::ULayeredPane Class Reference

A panel with different layers. More...

#include <ulayeredpane.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ufo::ULayeredPane:

ufo::UWidget ufo::UObject ufo::UCollectable ufo::UDesktopPane List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void putLayerProperty (UWidget *w, int layer)
void setLayer (UWidget *w, int layer)
void setLayer (UWidget *w, int layer, int position)
int getLayer (const UWidget *w) const
void setPosition (UWidget *w, int position)
int getPosition (const UWidget *w) const
void moveToFront (UWidget *w)
void moveToBack (UWidget *w)
int getLayerBegin (int layer) const
int getLayerEnd (int layer) const
int indexForLayer (int layer, int position) const

Static Public Attributes

const UIntegerDefaultLayer
const UIntegerFrameLayer
const UIntegerPopupLayer
const UIntegerDragLayer
const UIntegerRootPaneLayer

Protected Member Functions

void addImpl (UWidget *w, UObject *constraints, int index)

Detailed Description

A panel with different layers.

Widgets in the highest layer are painted on top of the widgets in lower layers. Widgets should be added with add( widget, layer, positionInLayer). If the layer isnīt specified, the default layer is used. example: add( new ULabel("hello"), new UInteger(5), 0) +

Johannes Schmidt

Member Function Documentation

void ufo::ULayeredPane::addImpl UWidget w,
UObject constraints,
int  index
[protected, virtual]

add a sub widget at the specified index

w the widget, which should be added
index if index is -1 or isnīt set, the widget will be added at the end of the layer
constraints the layer
See also:

Reimplemented from ufo::UWidget.

int ufo::ULayeredPane::getLayer const UWidget w  )  const

The layer property of the widget. -1 if w isnīt a valid child of this layered pane.

int ufo::ULayeredPane::getLayerBegin int  layer  )  const

The (child vector) index at which a newly inserted widget is the top most widget within that layer.

int ufo::ULayeredPane::getLayerEnd int  layer  )  const

The (child vector) index at which a newly inserted widget is the bottom most widget within that layer.

int ufo::ULayeredPane::getPosition const UWidget w  )  const

The relative position to its layer of the widget

int ufo::ULayeredPane::indexForLayer int  layer,
int  position

The (child vector) index for a widget which should be added, relative to the whole children vector
layer The desired layer
position The new position relative to the layer. Use -1 for appending

void ufo::ULayeredPane::moveToBack UWidget w  ) 

Moves widget w to the back of the child widget hierarchie.

void ufo::ULayeredPane::moveToFront UWidget w  ) 

Moves widget w to the front of the child widget hierarchie.

void ufo::ULayeredPane::putLayerProperty UWidget w,
int  layer

Sets a property in the property of w

w The widget that should moved to the given layer
layer The new layer

void ufo::ULayeredPane::setLayer UWidget w,
int  layer,
int  position

Sets new layer and position.

w The widget that should moved to the given layer and position
layer The new layer
position The new position relative to the layer

void ufo::ULayeredPane::setLayer UWidget w,
int  layer

Sets new layer and position. Postion will be the end of the given layer.

void ufo::ULayeredPane::setPosition UWidget w,
int  position

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
The libUFO Project - written by Johannes Schmidt