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ufo::UStyleHints Class Reference

The style hints contain colors, fonts and other properties which describe the visual appearance of widgets. More...

#include <ustylehints.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  StyleHint {
  MinimumSizeHint, MaximumSizeHint, PreferredSizeHint, BorderHint,
  MarginHint, HAlignmentHint, VAlignmentHint, DirectionHint,
  OrientationHint, FontHint, PaletteHint, OpacityHint,
  BackgroundHint, IconHint, AllHints

Public Member Functions

void transcribe (UStyleHints *hints)
void update (UStyleHints *hints)
UStyleHintsclone () const

Public Attributes

UDimension minimumSize
UDimension maximumSize
UDimension preferredSize
UInsets margin
Alignment hAlignment: 4
Alignment vAlignment: 4
Direction direction: 4
Orientation orientation: 4
UFont font
UPalette palette
float opacity


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const UStyleHints *hints)

Detailed Description

The style hints contain colors, fonts and other properties which describe the visual appearance of widgets.

Johannes Schmidt

Member Function Documentation

void ufo::UStyleHints::transcribe UStyleHints hints  ) 

Every hint of hints which is no default hint of the default constructor overwrites the appropriate value of this style hint. Example: If hints->border != UStyleHint().border then this->border becomes hints->border.

void ufo::UStyleHints::update UStyleHints hints  ) 

Updates every default value of this style hint with the given values of hints. Example: If this->border == UStyleHint().border then this->border becomes hints->border.

Member Data Documentation

UBorderModel* ufo::UStyleHints::border

the border of this widget

UFont ufo::UStyleHints::font

the font of this widget

UInsets ufo::UStyleHints::margin

the margin between widget content and border

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
The libUFO Project - written by Johannes Schmidt