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ufo::UPopupManager Class Reference

This class handles requests for popup widget. More...

#include <upopupmanager.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ufo::UPopupManager:

ufo::UObject ufo::UCollectable List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual UPopupcreatePopup (UWidget *owner, UWidget *content, int x, int y, int w, int h)

Static Public Member Functions

UPopupManagergetPopupManager ()
void setPopupManager (UPopupManager *popupManager)

Detailed Description

This class handles requests for popup widget.

The default implementation uses lightweight popups, i.e. UFO widget placed in the popup layer. //The popup manager is responsible for closing the popup on appropriate //user events.

Johannes Schmidt

Member Function Documentation

virtual UPopup* ufo::UPopupManager::createPopup UWidget owner,
UWidget content,
int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h

Creates a new popup object.

owner The widget which requests to open the popup and which context is responsible for closing the popup.
content The content widget.
x The desired x coordinate in the coord system of the owner
y The desired y coordinate in the coord system of the owner
w The desired width
h The desired height

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
The libUFO Project - written by Johannes Schmidt