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ufo::UCollectable Class Reference

Base class for all garbage collected objects. More...

#include <ucollectable.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ufo::UCollectable:

ufo::UObject ufo::UButtonGroup ufo::UCaret ufo::UColorObject ufo::UContext ufo::UContextGroup ufo::UCss ufo::UDimensionObject ufo::UDisplay ufo::UDocument ufo::UDocumentFactory ufo::UDrawable ufo::UEvent ufo::UFileArchive ufo::UFocusManager ufo::UFont ufo::UFontMetrics ufo::UGraphics ufo::UIcon ufo::UImageFilter ufo::UImageIO ufo::UInputMap ufo::UInsetsObject ufo::UInteger ufo::UItem ufo::UKeyStroke ufo::ULayoutManager ufo::UMenuManager ufo::UPalette ufo::UPluginBase ufo::UPointObject ufo::UPopup ufo::UPopupManager ufo::UProperties ufo::UProperties::Reader ufo::URectangleObject ufo::URepaintManager ufo::USharedLib ufo::UString ufo::UStyle ufo::UStyleManager ufo::UTextLayout ufo::UToolkit ufo::UValidator ufo::UVertexArray ufo::UVideoDevice ufo::UVideoDriver ufo::UVolatileData ufo::UWidget ufo::UXFrame ufo::UXul List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void setDynamic (bool b)
bool isDynamic ()
void reference () const
void unreference () const
unsigned int getReferenceCount () const
void * operator new (std::size_t size)
void operator delete (void *p, std::size_t)

Detailed Description

Base class for all garbage collected objects.

This class simply adds a reference counter and deletes the object if it was created dynamically and the reference count drops to 0.

An instance is created dynamically if it was created with the new operator. Please note: The reference count starts with a reference count, that means no garbage collection activated.

Johannes Schmidt

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
The libUFO Project - written by Johannes Schmidt